Relevant, God-centred resources continue to empower this woman’s faith

Aug 22, 2019

Like many newlyweds, Layla found married life to be tougher going than she’d first imagined. “The early years of my marriage were quite turbulent,” she reveals. “I reached out to Focus on the Family when my marriage was experiencing some challenges.”

When Layla called Focus, she was immediately struck by the kind welcome she received. “I felt as if I was talking to a compassionate friend,” she recalls. “That particular conversation left me feeling empowered, uplifted and encouraged. I was grateful and in awe that someone took the time to listen to my concerns and pray with me and for me and my spouse over the phone.”

She also discovered the Focus on the Family magazine and the radio broadcast, both of which offered her practical help to navigate the challenges she was facing in her marriage.

“The articles and the broadcasts were immediate resources that I could fall back on when I needed relevant godly guidance and encouragement,” Layla remembers. “Through these broadcasts and magazines, I learned from others’ experience and struggles and applied the teachings to my own life and my family,” she adds. “[They] were a lifesaver when I found myself in moments of isolation and loneliness which left me quite vulnerable.”

These resources also equipped Layla to share her faith and God’s love with her children. “Month after month, relevant articles listed various ways in which I, a mother, could be a leader in shepherding my children to know God through my actions, my words, the grace I displayed when disciplining my children, and to recognize and capitalize on teachable moments,” she says.

“I found that it was the testimonies of real-life women and men who have contributed to the magazine and the broadcast, that are the most impactful stories for me,” Layla explains. “They outline God’s redemption, his love, his omnipotence in how he orchestrates our lives.”

To this day, Layla continues to be encouraged and empowered in her faith journey by these God-centred resources from Focus. “Without these stories, broadcasts or testimonies, I would never know that others are living similar challenges,” she acknowledges. “I wholeheartedly anticipate opening the pages of the magazines or tuning in to the radio station, to read or listen to the daily reminders that God loves me. That is a powerful message that transcends generations and circumstances.”

“The Focus on the Family resources are an excellent testimonial on how God touches everyone’s lives,” Layla enthuses. “Thank you.”

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