When a new believer finds a support system in Focus on the Family Canada

Thanks to you, we’re able to come alongside those who feel alone and point them to Christ
Trapped under the heavy weight of depression, her three-month old baby in her womb, Laura* was desperate for a way out. An abusive past had left her hurt and emotionally destroyed, not knowing how to love or be loved. And with no wedding ring on her finger, she finally turned to the only thing that brought her a spark of hope in her youth – the church. Her neighbour had brought her to a church in the past and it was one of the only places she felt secure. As Laura opened her arms to the hope that was given to her through the Lord Jesus, something inside her broke and all the heaviness and rage dissolved.
Laura recently took the time to share her story with us. Here is an excerpt from her letter:
“I want to share with you how grateful I am for [Focus on the Family Canada]. I did not grow up in a Christian home and I am a first-fruit believer for my family. I have a lot of learning to do in order to raise children for Christ and to be a wife of noble character. Your ministry offers so much practical information for me to bring success and a new heritage for my family. I am determined to break the bad cycles with much prayer and Christ’s power. Your ministry is practical and very helpful. I have shared my magazines with my unsaved friends who have questions about how to raise children in this defective world.”
Thank you for helping us be here for women like Laura, reminding them of the larger Church family and pointing them to the life-changing power of Christ!
If you’ve been impacted by this story and want to help even more families like this thrive, donate to Focus on the Family Canada today!
*Name changed to protect privacy
**Image shown above is a stock photo
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