How the Focus on the Family Broadcast has helped a family for three generations

May 30, 2017

Because of you, Norine Duck’s mother listened to and shared the Focus broadcast, and now she’s doing the same with her kids.    

Norine Duck, from Morpeth, ON, was already a young mom when she first listened to the Focus on the Family Broadcast. “I found it very helpful,” she tells us. “It shaped the way I parented my children. Even now as a grandmother I still regularly listen to the broadcast and share relevant shows with my kids who are now parents.”

Norine’s daughter, Jennifer, remembers listening to Focus on the Family along with her mom when she was growing up. “I have been helped by the broadcasts many times myself,” she says. “I remember responding to a program as a young teen, and Focus sent me a lot of books and resources about adolescence. So, naturally, when I became a parent, I started listening to the program regularly. I am following my mom’s example by listening and taking to heart many of the practical ideas I hear on the programs.”

“Some of the specific ways I have followed my mother’s parenting example (influenced by the broadcast),” she adds, “include being available to my children, reading to my children and church involvement. My mother was available to listen to me and spent lots of time with us growing up, so I do that with my children too. My mom regularly read good books and the Bible to us, which I also do with my children. My mom modelled being involved in attending and serving in the local church, which I also do with my children.”

Focus has had a lasting impact on the Duck family, as a third generation is now listening! Now Jennifer’s children also enjoy Adventures in Odyssey®, as well as Clubhouse® and Clubhouse Jr.® magazines, which she and her siblings also enjoyed growing up.

Because of your generosity, the broadcast reaches out to Canadian families where they’re at on their family journey and has a lasting impact through generations!

If you’ve been impacted by this story and want to help even more families like this thrive, donate to Focus on the Family Canada today! 

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