We’ve launched our Marriage Enrichment conferences and retreats!

As you may know, we recently launched our Hope Restored marriage intensive retreats for couples who find themselves in crisis. We have a heart for those who are struggling in their marriage, but we also want to recognize the value of strengthening an already strong marriage by empowering couples with valuable tools before they’re faced with challenges.
That’s why we’re so excited to announce the official launch of our Marriage Enrichment conferences and retreats!
With the same proven principles of the Hope Restored program, these conferences and retreats are created for couples who have healthy marriages but also recognize the value in continuing to grow in their relationship with their spouse.
Our Masters-level marriage counsellors, Wayne Reed and Vicki Hooper, have already been helping Canadian couples in crisis learn the proven principles of Hope Restored. Now they’re thrilled to be able to empower couples who want to make their strong marriages even stronger.
Wayne and Vicki both know the value of continually growing in their marriages, as they’ve both recently celebrated their 25th wedding anniversaries. They know how important it is to be a student of yourself and your spouse. And they want to help couples deepen their intimacy by improving their ability to communicate well, resolve conflict in a healthy way and understand what they need personally to make their marriage the best it can be.
From getaway weekend retreats to conferences at local churches, we have something for everyone! The benefits of attending a marriage conference or retreat extend into all areas of your life. Your renewed love and commitment to one another will not only improve your own marriage, but will set an example for your children, your grandchildren, family members and friends as they see the value of investing in this important relationship.
Our first conference will be in November in Calgary, followed by our second in January in Ontario. New dates and locations are regularly being added, so be sure to keep checking our website for the most up-to-date information, as well as photos of our retreat centres!
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