Focus on the Family Canada is here for you

The new year is full of promise and potential, but it also can be one of the most challenging seasons. The third Monday of January is often called “Blue Monday”; this phrase refers to feeling down and sluggish due to the colder weather, the end of holiday festivities and credit card bills from the gift-giving season. I look back on the past year and recall hearing stories of personal heartache, broken families, devastating wars, political unrest and so much more.
But in the midst of all this uncertainty, I want you to know that you don’t have to go through difficult times alone. Focus on the Family Canada is here for you.
We offer a one-time, complimentary telephone counselling consultation with one of our registered, highly trained Christian counsellors. When more intensive help is needed, our counselling staff will direct you to a Focus-approved professional counsellor in your area.
Answers to life challenges
Read hundreds of articles that address common life issues such as depression, stress, anxiety, addiction, and abuse.
Hope for broken marriages
Focus on the Family Canada’s Hope Restored Marriage Intensive program is designed for those having a crisis in their marriage.
Resources for mental wellness
Explore hand-picked books and resources related to mental wellness and support through life challenges such as anxiety and depression.
Prayer and support
Each weekday morning, Focus on the Family Canada staff from across the country gather to pray for the needs of Canadian families. Whenever someone submits a prayer request online, over the phone, through social media accounts or by writing in, they are given care and attention by being prayed for by staff members. Whether you’re looking for a specific resource, an answer to a question or prayer for an issue your family is facing, Focus on the Family Canada is ready to help.
Free magazine
Subscribe to the free Focus on the Family magazine to receive help and encouragement every two months. Each issue of this newsstand-quality magazine is packed with relevant advice to build up your kids, strengthen your marriage, navigate entertainment and culture, and handle common challenges you may face in your marriage and parenting journeys.
Life Challenges booklets
Over the last year, Focus on the Family Canada has created in-depth booklets to help you navigate issues such as anxiety, grief, stress and burnout, and depression. Each booklet is available free of charge.
Free video series
Focus on the Family Canada has put together free video series from a variety of experts that help you address issues concerning marriage, parenting, faith or life challenges. Plus, each video has follow-up resource suggestions to help you dive deeper into the topics discussed.
Jean-Paul Beran, MA
Focus on the Family Canada
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