Resources to help share the joy of Easter

As followers of Christ, we have the joy of celebrating faith-focused seasons of anticipation and reflection. Easter is one of those seasons, and it’s one of the cornerstone markers of the Christian faith: the death and resurrection of our Saviour, who gave his life for us.
We have curated a list of resources for children, teens, and adults to help celebrate the significance of Easter. Here are a few selections that I’d love to tell you about:
The Read Again and Again New Testament Bible Storybook
Through colourful illustrations and creatively told Bible stories, young readers will be excited to engage with God’s Word and apply its truth to their lives. This book helps children discover new truths about well-known Bible stories and Bible characters, and it can even introduce families to stories they’ve never heard before. It’s a great way for parents to start important conversations with their children about God and how to know Jesus as Saviour. Kids will not only listen to the stories but ask to read them again and again.
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More Than a Carpenter
Skeptic Josh McDowell thought Christians were out of their minds. He ridiculed and insulted them, then decided to combat them with his own robust research to disprove the claims of Jesus Christ. To his surprise, he discovered that the evidence suggested exactly the opposite – that Jesus, instead of being simply a first-century Hebrew carpenter, was so much more. Josh went on to write this inspirational book on Christian apologetics, which has sold over 16 million copies and transformed countless lives.
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Preparing for Easter: Fifty Devotional Readings from C.S. Lewis
Preparing for Easter is a concise, handy companion for the faithful of all Christian traditions and the curious to help them deepen their knowledge and consideration of this holy season – a time of reflection as we consider Jesus’ sacrifice and his joyous rise from the dead. Carefully curated, each selection in this book draws on a major theme in Lewis’ writings on the Christian life, as well as others that consider why we can have confident faith in what happened on the cross.
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RVL Discipleship: The Study – Seasons 1-4 (Streaming Video)
Join renowned teacher and Bible scholar Ray Vander Laan as he examines what it means to be a follower of Christ through the cultural, historical, and otherwise contextual lens of Scripture. The Study is a four-season video Bible study for small groups and individuals to consider the question: what did it mean to be one of the original disciples of Jesus, and what does that mean for us today? This series includes downloadable leader and participant guides, and full access to all four seasons (39 episodes that are each 10-12 minutes long).
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Jean-Paul Beran, MA
Focus on the Family Canada
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