In case you missed it: November articles

One of the ways Focus on the Family Canada is here to serve you is through our series of original articles, which we publish for free online each month. In case you may have missed them, here are links to our latest articles related to faith and culture, marriage, and parenting. If you want to receive them to your inbox each month, just sign up below and you’ll never miss an article. You’ll find inspirational and educational pieces that will strengthen your faith!
Elections, winding rivers, and a sovereign God
For genuine followers of Jesus, if we truly wish to honour our Lord, then we need to bring our approach to political engagement in line with his Word. The following handful of biblical principles can help us begin to do that.
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5 ways helping others can improve my marriage
The Focus on the Family editors asked couples to reveal one thing they have done to make their marriage happier. We received a wonderful collection of creative ideas, and we hope these stories will inspire you to do one thing to make your marriage happier.
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Helping boys stand firm in respecting girls
What if your son’s friends started comparing notes on female schoolmates, ranking the girls according to their attractiveness? What if peers were urging your son to join in a contest to harass one of the girls in their year, hoping to be first to convince her to send a nude selfie? We wish it weren’t so, but locker room conversations like these aren’t unusual among youth. Our boys are rubbing shoulders every day with peers who act selfishly and disrespectfully toward girls. What should you say to your son about treating girls with respect? Read on for some ideas.
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The women in Jesus' genealogy: An Advent reflection
The story of the birth of Jesus brings to mind any number of familiar images: Mary and Joseph trekking to Bethlehem; the baby in the manger; the angels and the shepherds; the Magi with their gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. But what about the inclusion of four women in Matthew’s genealogy, along with Mary (Tamar, Rahab, Ruth and Bathsheba)? In a culture that traced lineage almost exclusively through men, these women would’ve stood out like beacons in a stream of male names – and they still do.
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