Together, we can help ministry leaders thrive

What if there was a way to help hundreds of people by providing valuable support to one person?
There are men and women across the country who are working tirelessly in vocational ministry as pastors, lay leaders and parachurch leaders. They are caring for the needs of many, but often without support for their own well-being. And around the world, missionaries from our churches have left their homes here in Canada to live with and reach out to those who need to hear the Gospel. However, when they return home, they are often weary and in need of rest.
A healthy ministry leader is highly influential and has great impact on those around them. But as the demands and stress of ministry life builds up, they can become vulnerable to burnout, relational issues, discouragement and spiritual attacks. And as leaders begin to feel worn down, they're not able to help those in their churches and communities in the same way.
If, however, they were refreshed in their calling and renewed by the Spirit of God, think of how much better they would feel and how much more they'd be able to do for the families they serve and those who need to hear the Gospel! Through our work with pastors and those in ministry, we know that helping one person can impact hundreds.
That’s why, as we start 2019, I’m eager to tell you about Kerith Retreats. This seven-day program is designed specifically to address the individual needs of people in ministry. Our program directors are former pastor couples themselves who deeply understand the unique challenges of this calling.
Often conferences for pastors and ministry leaders are filled to the brim with information about how they can improve their ministries, which only adds to feelings of inadequacy and weariness if they are already tired. Kerith Retreats, however, are intentionally designed to offer a valuable program while also offering something more: a place for rest and restoration.
When people drive up the driveways of our two retreat centres, they immediately begin to feel calm. Surrounded by beautiful natural landscapes in Alberta and Manitoba, these centres provide a luxury experience many pastors and missionary couples have never had the opportunity to experience.
In both locations, there are four beautiful private suites that each include a king- or queen-sized bed, private bathroom, sitting area, kitchenette, and fireplace. Throughout the centre and the property, there are also numerous quiet, secluded areas where attendees can relax and unwind, giving them the precious opportunity to simply be with God.
The program itself covers a range of topics, such as recognizing each person’s own unique stressors and energizers, how to find healthy rhythms in life, understanding depression, and the value of soul care. When we're stressed out, we often forget crucial truths that keep our life balanced, and our Kerith Retreats are designed to reinforce those truths in a setting where ministry leaders can immediately put them into practice.
You may know of a pastor or ministry leader who left ministry because they were worn out, stressed out and burned out – it’s more common than it should be these days. Here at Focus on the Family Canada, we want to reach these individuals before they leave the ministry work they were called to and provide them a place to rest, to be restored and to be rejuvenated by the Spirit of God.
Would you help us do just that? Would you spread the word about Kerith Retreats?
I encourage you to tell your elders, your pastor, your church, the missionaries you know, and your friends in ministry about this program. And of course, if you are a pastor or work in vocational ministry, you are welcome to attend!
For more information about this program and to see photos of the retreat centres, you can visit today.
Thank you for supporting the local church and those who devote their lives to spreading the Gospel. With your continued help, we can ensure that those who are on the front lines of ministry get the support they need when they need it most.
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