TobyMac fans connect with Focus on the Family Canada resources

Focus on the Family Canada rocked out along with thousands of TobyMac fans!
As the proud exclusive sponsor of this particular stop in the artist’s Hits Deep Tour in Abbotsford, BC, Focus on the Family Canada had the joy of connecting with fans before and after the show-stopping performance.
Our ministry was received extremely well at this event. Many young families with small children and teens enjoyed the concert, and stopped by to say hi at our booth. Guests picked up every copy of our Clubhouse magazines. Teen girls were so excited to get a free copy of Brio magazine, and many said they were already receiving it as a subscription.
Our free booklets on various life challenges were very popular amongst middle-aged and older couples. The ones people gravitated most towards were:
- Recognizing and Navigating Trauma
- Understanding and Navigating Anxiety
- Understanding Healthy Boundaries
- Stress and Burnout
- Dealing with Depression
It was a great time connecting with so many people and hearing their stories of how they’re being helped and encouraged through our resources!
Jean-Paul Beran, MA
Focus on the Family Canada
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