Spiritual disciplines devotionals: A video series

With our busy lives, it can be a struggle to find deep rest and life balance away from the noise and distractions that surround us. I know it’s a challenge for me, and no doubt it is for you as well.
Merrie Eizenga is one of our program directors at Kerith Retreats, which offers ministry leaders a place to be still, connect with God and learn the rhythms of grace in their lives. She’s created this series of short devotional videos to help you discover ways you can experience rest and grow in your own faith.
Whether you consider yourself a leader in ministry or not, I’m sure you’ll benefit from these wise and encouraging tips that Merrie lays out in these videos.
In our fast-paced and highly urbanized society, times of solitude can be difficult to come by. Check out Merrie’s first video in her series, on the importance of solitude, and share it with a friend who could use this encouragement today.
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Like solitude, opportunities for silence can be rare in the midst of our hectic schedules. Learn about the value to be found in silence, especially in a culture addicted to noise. We hope you’re encouraged to take time this week to seek God in silence.
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Listen to Merrie talk about the principle of Sabbath and discover why God desires us to incorporate rest regularly into our lives.
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Sabbath Box
Watch this follow-up video on Sabbath to learn some practical tips for incorporating Sabbath rest into your everyday life.
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Stressors and Energizers
There’s a complex relationship between stressors and energizers in our lives. Many of us can list things that cause us stress, but when we’re asked what energizes us, we struggle for an answer. Watch as Merrie explains the importance of making time in your life to do the things that fill you up and energize you.
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“That day I didn’t need a different path, I just needed a different perspective.” In this final video in her series, Merrie discusses the value of keeping your head up and your eyes open to the beauty and wonder around you.
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