Prayer and practical help for BC flood victims

Those of us living here in British Columbia have faced a devastating week. The recent storm and resulting floods have displaced families, destroyed homes and farms, and left many isolated with extensive road closures.
Many of our staff members and donors have been personally impacted and/or are stranded as a result of the floods and mudslides. When natural disasters like this hit, it can leave many of us feeling helpless and overwhelmed. But I am also inspired when I see how communities rally together in the face of tragedy.
Almost immediately, we saw stories of people feeding stranded travellers out of their own pocket, supplies being flown in when safe to do so, homes being opened up to those who have been evacuated, people coming together to sandbag, move farm animals and rescue those who are stuck. It’s in times like these that I am so thankful for the power of community – and reminded of the gift of we have of community with Christ. It doesn’t take a natural disaster for our Lord and Saviour to reach out with open arms; we have access to divine support every moment of every day.
As a ministry, we are praying for the victims, the stranded and the displaced, but we also want to be the hands and feet of Jesus. That’s why we, along with other Christian ministries, are partnering with a local church here in the Fraser Valley to get help where it’s needed. Christian Life Assembly is working with Sky Helicopters to do an air drop with supplies of water, blankets, and dehydrated or freeze-dried meals into the city of Hope. Our staff team are generously pooling together their own finances, which we as a ministry will match, to ensure our neighbours are being taken care of. This is just one example of an organization mobilizing immediate assistance to those in need. If you’re looking for a way to help, I encourage you to reach out to a church, charity or community organization that you know and trust who are offering practical help in this time of immense need.
Our head office may be on the West Coast, but we also recognize the devastating impact extreme weather has on our brothers and sisters across the country. We are always willing and eager to extend the helping hand of Jesus to those who need it. We also never underestimate the power of prayer. If you and your family or community need prayer and practical support, please reach out to our team. Call us at 1.800.661.9800 or email [email protected] and we will do all we can to help you.
Please join me in praying for our neighbours, friends and family who are affected by the floods in BC.
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