New video series to strengthen relationships

So many things demand our attention and focus – work, chores, responsibilities, entertainment and more. I believe the best relationships are those into which we invest our time and energy, even in the midst of competing interests. In my relationship with my wife Susan, I know we have to fight for each other, and our relationship is always stronger when we do.
That’s why I’m excited to share two new video series that focus on different relationships – the bond between spouses, and our relationship with God. I hope these resources are encouraging to you, and God uses them to speak to your heart.
Improving Your Sex Life to Improve Your Marriage video series
Do you ever feel confused or frustrated about your sex life with your spouse, or simply wonder if it could be better than it is? Because a great sex life is something you make, not something you find, you can take hope that your marriage is fully capable of vibrant intimacy. You can start your journey toward a sexually rich marriage with this free video series called Improving Your Sex Life to Improve Your Marriage. Featuring insights from relationship experts Debra Fileta and Gary Thomas, this seven-part video series will help you understand God’s intention for sex in marriage, how to speak more confidently with your spouse about what can sometimes feel awkward to share, and how a richer sex life can help improve all facets of marriage.
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Drawing Closer to God Through Spiritual Disciplines video series
Do you wish you felt closer to God? Does a vibrant spiritual life seem too far off to attain? Is it hard to slow down enough to even hear God’s voice? Like any form of exercise, results won’t be seen without repeated practice and discipline. The good news is that it’s never too late to set resolutions for the year and one of those can be growing spiritually. You can start your journey toward a richer spiritual life with this free video series called Drawing Closer to God Through Spiritual Disciplines. Kerith Retreats co-director Merrie Eizenga offers a new perspective on these practices that will encourage you to slow down, be still and lean into all that God has waiting for you.
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If you feel you need to talk to someone about either of these topics, I want to encourage you to call our care and counselling team. We’re here to listen and help you through this realization. You can call us at 1.800.661.9800 weekdays, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Pacific time.
Jean-Paul Beran, MA
Focus on the Family Canada
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