Ministry Leader Renewal Retreats have safely reopened

We have adjusted to many changes over these past six months as the pandemic led to the shutdown of church services, schools, workplaces, restaurants, theatres, hotels and much more. If you’re like me, you didn’t realize how much you took these familiar places and gatherings for granted. Suddenly we don’t have freedom to visit the places and people we’re accustomed to having part of our daily lives and we’re feeling the emotional deficit.
In the midst of all this, hard-working individuals, often behind the scenes, have worked nonstop to serve others in need of care. Despite their own concerns and burdens, they have continued to serve. I especially want to highlight the work of those in ministry, who adapted to facilitating online church services, maintained regular communication with church members, developed sermons and programs to encourage and strengthen families, ministered to their communities and so much more. I know from conversations with friends in various areas of ministry that this has been no small feat and they need our support.
That’s why I am so pleased to announce that Kerith Retreats, our ministry leader renewal retreats, have safely reopened. Our facilities in Manitoba and Alberta are following all provincial health guidelines, which allow us to meet in small groups with adjustments to ensure appropriate physical distancing.
These seven-day retreats are designed for those who feel overwhelmed by the constant pressures and demands of their personal and ministry lives. If you are in ministry and want to take the opportunity to be still and learn the rhythms of grace in your life, Kerith Retreats is a quiet sanctuary where you can receive from God and deepen your connection with him, with your spouse and with your calling.
With Clergy Appreciation Month just around the corner, perhaps you’d like to bless a ministry leader in your life with this time of renewal. You can explore our full list of upcoming dates on our Kerith Retreats website.
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