In case you missed it: October articles

One of the ways Focus on the Family Canada is here to serve you is through our series of original articles, which we publish for free online each month. In case you may have missed them, here are links to a few of our latest articles related to marriage and parenting, as well as to faith and culture. If you want to receive them to your inbox each month, just sign up below and you’ll never miss an article!
Is there such a thing as secular?
For want of a better term, secular remains a useful way to distinguish between religious and non-religious spheres of jurisdiction within society. But within the church, we’d be of better service to our faith community, as well as to the culture at large, if we stopped talking about secular jobs and secular art and the like.
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Hope for estranged grandparents
Do you sense that your grandkids’ parents are withdrawing from you? Or have you been denied any contact with your grandkids at all? Discover steps you can take to heal your family relationships and improve your chances of reuniting with your grandchildren.
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How to spice up your marriage: 10 simple tips
Every day, each of us becomes a different person than we were the day before. Sadly, many of us forget this fact and stop discovering just who our spouse is today. So, be on a mission to discover what’s new in each other! Get started with these 10 simple tips.
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What the Old Testament festivals tell us about Jesus
For followers of Jesus, the Old Testament festivals (Passover, Unleavened Bread, First Fruits, Feast of Weeks and so on) carry a deep significance. Each one in its own way tells us something about Jesus, pointing us to God’s ultimate expression of his grace and goodness to those who trust in him.
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