In case you missed it: May articles

One of the ways Focus on the Family Canada is here to serve you is through our series of original articles, which we publish for free online each month. In case you may have missed them, here are links to our latest articles related to marriage and parenting, as well as to faith and culture. If you want to receive them to your inbox each month, just sign up below and you’ll never miss an article! You’ll find inspirational and educational pieces that will strengthen your faith.
Stories of women in early Christianity, Part One
From the beginning, women flocked to Christianity in droves, to the point that they made up about two-thirds of the church in its first few centuries. This article, the first of two, examines some of their stories.
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Encouraging your spouse through positive communication
Encouraging your spouse through positive communication can change their entire approach to life. Here are some tips to help you become an encourager so your spouse can become all he or she was meant to be.
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Sex trafficking: What parents need to know
There’s a common misperception among parents that sex trafficking victims are typically runaways picked up off the street, or kids who have the rare misfortune to be abducted by strangers. While both scenarios are pathways to victimization, the majority of sex trafficking victims are targeted and then ensnared by an acquaintance – someone who’s gained their trust. As sex trafficking is on the rise in Canada, learn how traffickers operate so you can be aware.
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Imago Dei and diversity in arts and entertainment
Approached through the lens of the Gospel, we can create and enjoy cultural works that express diversity honestly and well, respect others who do it differently, and glorify our God whose gift it is.
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