In case you missed it: May articles

One of the ways we support families here at Focus is through our series of original articles, which we publish for free online each month. In case you may have missed them, here are links to a few of our latest articles related to marriage and parenting, as well as to faith and culture.
Navigating chaotic times with 3 unlikely biblical guides
For followers of Jesus, the COVID-19 pandemic has led us to lean on the promises in God’s Word with a conviction we may rarely have felt before. We remind ourselves that the Lord is our shepherd and he will never leave us nor forsake us.
When we read these familiar promises, our hearts are uplifted and our faith bolstered. But what about those less visited pages of Scripture? Click through to read what we can learn from the obscure figures of Jehoshaphat, Esther and Habakkuk.
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How to care for our unique emotions in the midst of a global pandemic
While our emotions are morally neutral, they are not benign. They are very powerful and, in fact, determine how we experience the life we are living. We are all sharing this experience of a global pandemic, but we are not all experiencing it the same way. There is great hope in that!
“While I cannot control what is going on in the world around me, I can control how I experience it.”
Is that really true? Yes! With practice, we can live at peace, regardless of our circumstances. Click through to read how the Care Cycle can help you manage your emotions in the midst of a pandemic.
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Beethoven at 250: Celebrating the Imago Dei
It goes without saying that 2020 will be remembered as the year of the coronavirus. But that doesn’t mean there haven’t been good things to celebrate, even in the midst of challenging times. Among other things, 2020 marks the 250th anniversary of the birth of Ludwig van Beethoven.
Should this be of interest to anyone except musicians or classical music buffs, especially in the midst of a global crisis? Emphatically yes, for a number of reasons. Click through to find out why.
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Overcoming anxiety in parenting
In these uncertain times, worry can sometimes overwhelm us. Uncertainties about the future can quickly spiral into anxiety and fear. And yet, the Bible tells us to “cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you” (1 Peter 5:7).
So how can we, as parents, keep our anxious thoughts in check? And how can we help our children who are anxious? Click through to discover some strategies that will be helpful for you, and helpful for your children too.
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