In case you missed it: June articles

One of the ways Focus on the Family Canada is here to serve you is through our series of original articles, which we publish for free online each month. In case you may have missed them, here are links to a few of our latest articles related to marriage and parenting, as well as to faith and culture. If you want to receive them to your inbox each month, just sign up below and you’ll never miss an article!
Separating science from scientism, and why it matters
Debates about science and faith are nothing new. Modern secularists claim that science has disproved the Bible and rendered God obsolete. In reaction, some in the faith community have adopted a suspicious and adversarial stance toward science. Thankfully, there are others who recognize faith and science are not in opposition. But we still need to ask ourselves: Which understandings of science should we affirm, and which should we challenge?
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How to stop complaining and be an encouraging spouse
If you want a joyful heart but find yourself complaining to your spouse, you need to take action. Research shows that negative thoughts, which prompt us to complain, “stick” in our brains more easily than positive thoughts. But don’t worry: God made our brains, and he knows how they work. Here are seven simple practices that help me to stop complaining and maintain a more pleasing mindset.
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Models of manhood and womanhood: Jesus versus cultural stereotypes
For both men and women, the overarching concern of Scripture is for their heart and their character. God not only sees the human heart, but he designed it to reflect his own. Love of God and of others, courage and integrity, justice and kindness, compassion for the poor and the powerless are all hallmarks of what it means to be a biblical man or woman.
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Childcare for a friend: Should you say yes or no?
If you’re a stay-at-home mom, you have probably been asked to look after someone else’s kids. Often this happens when a working mom finds herself in a bind and is reaching out for help. Let’s be honest: it’s a tough situation for both of you. Your friend hopes that, since you’re already at home with your kids, adding hers into the mix doesn’t change things all that much. In reality, however, adding a couple of kids into the mix changes things a lot. So what happens next? How do you support your friend while honouring your own needs and valuing your sanity? Discover some strategies to navigate this tricky path.
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