In case you missed it: July articles

One of the ways Focus on the Family Canada is here to serve you is through our series of original articles, which we publish for free online each month. In case you may have missed them, here are links to a few of our latest articles related to marriage and parenting, as well as to faith and culture. If you want to receive them to your inbox each month, just sign up below and you’ll never miss an article!
Art and the Christian: Common pitfalls in a complex relationship
The relationship between the church and the arts has been complex, to say the least. Some faith traditions celebrate artistic expression, at times beyond the bounds of proper discernment. Others view art with suspicion, or at best as a carrier of information. Learn about a few common pitfalls we can avoid if we want to engage the arts in ways that better honour our creative God.
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Warning signs that your spouse has mental health issues
A spouse might not see a gradual change in their loved one because it’s common for a person to have struggles for a while and then return to more normal behaviour. Yet over a long period of time, that spouse’s mental or behavioural health could be slowly declining. That’s why it’s important to be alert to warning signs and talk with your spouse in a supporting, loving way about any changes you might have noticed.
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Loving and following Jesus as he truly is
In the current religious discourse, there are lots of voices claiming to love and follow Jesus, but in many cases, the Jesus they follow and love is a caricature sketched from a few selective attributes. Rather than the Son of God who died for our sins and commands us to repent because his Kingdom is here, he’s a life coach who tells us we’re fine as we are and not to judge anyone else’s path. How can we know we’re loving and following Jesus as he truly is? We can begin by looking for him in all the right places.
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Teaching kids how to calm their emotions: The Stoplight Approach
Some kids can dish up more drama than prime-time TV. When angry or frustrated, they’ll fling toys against the wall, lay into a sibling with a one-two punch, or hurl themselves to the floor and wail like a fire alarm. Quieter kids, on the other hand, may sulk over disappointments alone in their room, stewing in negative self-talk. While these kinds of reactions to strong feelings aren’t unusual in young children, none of these responses are healthy or helpful in the long run. From the toddler years on up, we need to be teaching our kids how to stay in the driver’s seat: how to remain in control of their emotions so immature behaviour that hurts and offends others doesn’t become a life-long pattern. These are some of the very practical skills kids need if they are to “put on love” and live in harmony with others (Colossians 3:12-14), and they're skills that bring lasting rewards (Proverbs 21:21).
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