In case you missed it: April articles

One of the ways Focus on the Family Canada is here to serve you is through our series of original articles, which we publish for free online each month. In case you may have missed them, here are links to a few of our latest articles related to marriage and parenting, as well as to faith and culture. If you want to receive them to your inbox each month, sign up below and you’ll never miss an article!
Following Jesus through Holy Week
Holy Week was the culmination of the mission Jesus came to accomplish, the climax of God’s grand narrative of creation, fall, redemption and restoration. For followers of Jesus, then, it’s valuable to reflect on these climactic days as we walk through our own Lenten and Holy Week commemorations and prepare our hearts to celebrate Easter.
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The laws of in-laws
Scriptures indicate two parallel guidelines for relating to parents after you are married. First, we are to separate from our parents. The second fundamental principle of marriage is that we are to honour our parents. Leaving and honouring sets the stage for a relationship of mutual respect with parents and in-laws. Let me suggest four areas that may require extra diligence as you seek to establish respect.
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Whole person evangelism: Caring for body, mind and soul
How best to evangelize remains a matter of debate among believers. There are those who inject a Gospel message into every conversation where possible, with relatively little regard for the person’s physical, mental and emotional needs. Others believe it’s enough to follow Christ’s example by caring for people with practical acts of kindness and love, in hopes of attracting them to Jesus without words. Both approaches contain an element of truth, but miss the broader implications of the Gospel.
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Guidelines for happy grandparenting
Keeping your grandkids happy might not be a problem; however, you also have to ensure that your adult child and their partner are happy with how you are grandparenting their kids. Understanding and respecting some general “rules of engagement” for grandparents will help you be a dream grandparent – a grandma or grandpa whose involvement in your child’s family is always welcomed and appreciated.
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