Gifts to connect the body of Christ

As followers of Jesus, we’re used to the phrase “the body of Christ” to describe the faith community and our role in embodying Christ. Now more than any time in our lives, we’ve had to find innovative ways to stay connected through virtual church services, Bible studies and more. I truly miss gathering for corporate worship and fellowship, and the coronavirus pandemic has renewed my appreciation for and love of the body of Christ.
That’s why I’m excited to tell you about our latest flyer titled Thriving as the body of Christ. Each resource has been hand-picked and carefully reviewed to provide biblically based support for pastors, ministry leaders, families and individuals on their faith journeys.
While I’d love to highlight every item in this flyer, here are a few selections that I’m confident can help you flourish as individuals and as a faith community.
From the cover
A Practical Guide to Culture
In this practical guide, John Stonestreet and Brett Kunkle explore questions that include: What unseen undercurrents are shaping 21st-century youth culture? Why do so many kids struggle with identity? How can leaders steer kids away from substance abuse and other addictions? How can we ground students in the biblical story and empower them to change the world? With biblical clarity, this is the practical go-to manual for equipping kids to rise above the culture.
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Personal and collective well-being
Soul Care
We live in stressful and uncertain times, leaving many of us feeling overwhelmed and overcome. This book is a healing collection of inspirational quotes, Scriptures, and prayers to help you or a friend get through times of emotional turmoil. Whether for yourself or as a gift for someone you care about, Soul Care is a calming and comforting resource to help cultivate a healthy, faith-filled emotional life.
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The Emotionally Healthy Church
In this revised and expanded edition of his award-winning book, Peter Scazzero shares refreshing new insights and a challenging slant on what it takes to lead your congregation to wholeness and maturity in Christ. The author shares powerful takes on how contemplative spirituality can help you and your church slow down – an integral key to spiritual and emotional health. Open these pages and discover how your church can turn a new corner on the road to spiritual maturity.
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Reaching out to others
Something Needs to Change: A Call to Make Your Life Count in a World of Urgent Need
New York Times bestselling author David Platt takes readers on a heart-wrenching, soul-searching journey through impoverished villages in the Himalayan mountains. With riveting passion and surprising vulnerability, Platt dares readers to make a difference in a world of urgent need, starting right where they live.
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Cultures in Conflict
This latest DVD in the bestselling That the World May Know series takes you to ancient Greece to consider the challenges Paul faced in Athens and Corinth. You’ll learn how Paul’s Gospel message clashed with a culture that valued wealth, status and pleasure-seeking above all else – values not so different from our present-day culture. Uncover fascinating details and take away truths that will help you witness to others.
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Growing kids’ faith
Defend Your Faith: 100 Devotions for Kids with Questions
Answering those tough questions might seem hard, but it’s important. And this book can help. This introduction to apologetics offers 100 devotions that will give kids real tools and real answers for why to believe in God and why to trust the Bible. Young readers will dig in the dirt to uncover archaeological evidence, they’ll be inspired by stories of real-life defenders of the faith, and they’ll see God’s fingerprints all over creation.
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Kids’ magazines
Give the kids in your life the gift that keeps on giving – while strengthening their faith at the same time!
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I trust you’ll find something impactful in this catalogue for you and for those in your life. Explore it here!
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