Fresh changes to our broadcast app!

For decades, the Focus on the Family Broadcast has been a reliable source for inspiration and encouragement. While you can still enjoy the broadcast on the radio at a specific time, our free broadcast app now lets you listen whenever and wherever you want!
If you haven’t yet downloaded the app, here are just a few of the features that make it so convenient. You can browse by topic, search for featured guests, listen to archived programs, stay up to date on free resources and easily share a specific broadcast with someone you think might enjoy it. Beyond these great features, I have no doubt you’ll feel encouraged and inspired by the programming. Many times, God has used the broadcast to speak to my heart just when I needed it.
If you already have our app, you’ll be happy to know we’ve recently updated its messaging feature, and it’s now even easier to navigate and find what you’re looking for.
Start listening on the go today! Click here to learn more about our broadcast app and to download it to your mobile Apple or Android device.
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