Free video series: Navigating a Toxic Culture With Your Daughter

As a father of two teenage daughters, I have a front-row seat watching them find their way in a culture often at odds with what they read in God’s Word. This culture bombards our daughters with unhealthy role models, misleads them about the consequences of early sexual activity and adds to the confusion of adolescence.
That’s why I’m so thankful to be part of a ministry that helps parents like myself who are desperately seeking answers and guidance. To help provide some answers, Focus on the Family Canada is offering this free eight-part video series called Navigating a Toxic Culture With Your Daughter. Created from a Focus on the Family Broadcast, the video series features Dr. Meg Meeker, author of the book Raising a Strong Daughter in a Toxic Culture.
Dr. Meeker explains how parents can shape their daughter’s character and faith so she can successfully navigate our culture’s most difficult challenges.
Get equipped with biblical guidance and encourage your daughter’s faith so she can stand strong. Get the series here, for free.
You can also discover more of our free downloadable series here.
Jean-Paul Beran
Focus on the Family Canada
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