Free resources for you and your family

There’s something about spring that always boosts my mood, and perhaps you feel the same. Maybe it’s the fresh blossoms on the trees, or the longer days. Yet even so, this spring sees us starting the second year of a pandemic. Some provinces are easing restrictions while others are increasing them due to rising COVID cases. Many of us continue to carry grief and uncertainty into these ambiguous times.
No matter where you are or what circumstances you face, Focus on the Family Canada is here for you. We continue to develop new resources and programs for every stage of life. Here are three that we’re offering for free to you and your family.
Digital Focus on the Family magazine
When the pandemic first disrupted everyone’s lives, Focus on the Family began looking for ways to continue offering our biblically based material while stewarding our resources. One of the ways was through a digital version of our Focus on the Family magazine – featuring all the same great content without the printing expenses. We even heard from one reader who used this new format to pass along to those God placed on his heart (you can read his inspiring story here).
Our latest issue is now online!
Walking Through Grief PDF booklet
When faced with loss – great or small – very few of us know what to do. We don’t like to feel sad or angry, and we want to find a quick fix for our problems – simple steps to get us through the pain and out the other side. But grief is entirely unique. There is no set timeline and no one way to grieve, and this open-ended process can feel daunting for many. But there are many God-given tools we can use to process loss well. In this free booklet, you’ll find articles and resource suggestions filled with biblically based and psychologically sound advice for walking through grief in a healthy way. Whether you’re experiencing loss first-hand, or you’re unsure of how to be there for a loved one, we want to help.
Access the free booklet today!
Bringing Biblical Truth to a Broken Culture video series
As followers of Christ, we find that the tide of culture seems to be against us. But that is when God shows up! Each of us can help expand God’s kingdom through humility, faith and love – even in a world that seems increasingly hostile to the truths of Scripture. This free, five-part video series called Bringing Biblical Truth to a Broken Culture looks to the first century and the apostle Paul for guidance on how believers today can shine the light of Christ to those around them. Join renowned Bible teacher Ray Vander Laan as he guides you through five quick and engaging lessons that will leave you feeling encouraged, equipped and empowered.
Sign up for your free videos now!
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