FREE Gary Chapman video series: Finding Hope for Your Hurting Marriage

The year 2020 was challenging for a lot of reasons. Our plans went out the window, our expectations were shattered, and our everyday life was left with a lingering uncertainty. Perhaps what we at Focus on the Family Canada heard most often, though, was that many couples felt their marriages were strong and stable, but then were bombarded by underlying tensions brought to the surface in the pandemic and subsequent isolation.
Even if you are struggling in your marriage and feel there is no hope, we truly believe there’s hope for you and your spouse – no matter the pain you’re experiencing.
I’m so excited to tell you about a free video series called Finding Hope for Your Hurting Marriage with bestselling author and marriage counsellor Dr. Gary Chapman. These six videos were created to offer encouragement and guidance to couples in hard places:
- Living in Reality
- How Our Emotional Needs Drive Behaviour
- The Depressed Spouse
- The Controlling Spouse
- The Physically Abusive Spouse
- The Unfaithful Spouse
I hope you’ll join Dr. Chapman for an honest look at how to love your spouse in the midst of major heartache. Even if you are happy in your own marriage, maybe you can think of someone else who would be encouraged by this message. Whatever the case, it’s my prayer that these videos will be a catalyst for hope and healing.
You can access the free video series here.
If you feel you need further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us for a free one-time counselling consultation. We are here for you, no matter where you are in your personal journey.
Wishing you and your loved ones all God’s best for 2021.
With every blessing,
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