Exciting news on doubling your donation!

If you give to the match campaign between now and October 31, 2017, your donation will be doubled! As you may know, a friend of the ministry generously offered to match every gift given during this time, up to $100,000. But we’re thrilled to announce two more families were so inspired by the response to this campaign that they’ve added another $35,000! This means that even more donations will be matched – up to $135,000! Don’t miss out on this unique opportunity to see your gift go twice as far.
Every day, our team hear
stories from families across the country whose lives were changed because of
your support of this ministry. Stories just like this:
“If it had not been for Focus on the Family Canada, I truly believe that my marriage would have been part of another ugly statistic… I will forever be grateful to you for all your godly wisdom, counsel and direction. Thank you for all the tools that Focus on the Family Canada provides. Most of all, I want to thank you for all that you have done – you have helped us both be better spouses for each other.” – A grateful wife
Your gift – no matter the size – makes all the difference.
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