Reasons to give

Why focus on faith and culture?

Reasons to give

Why focus on faith and culture?


Helping you thrive in culture

  • We believe that the ultimate purpose of life is to know and glorify God through the salvation of Jesus Christ. Faith is lifelong journey that needs to be nurtured, but with the busyness and pressures of life, many families struggle to deepen their relationship with God.
  • As truth becomes increasingly grey in today’s culture, the majority of Christians are lacking a Christ-centred world view. Without a foundational understanding of Biblical truth, it is difficult for many to know how to live out their faith in today’s complex world.
  • In order for faith to grow, it needs to be active. It begins within our families and reaches out to those who need to know God’s love and sacrifice. Families need to be equipped to testify to the truth of Christ so God’s light can shine in the dark corners of our world.
  • Family, church and government were created by God for the benefit of mankind. As Christians, we should be active in supporting these institutions and keep them true to His design. We believe Christian families can play an influential role in shaping their communities and their world for Christ.

When you donate, you give families the tools and resources they need to grow in their faith and be a witness for Christ in our culture through:

Audio programming on the radio, online and on our mobile app

Prayer and counselling

Culturally insightful blogs and articles that help readers navigate today’s complex world

Feature-length documentaries in Canadian theatres on timely topics

Small-group studies such as The Truth Project, The Family Project and That the World May Know that reveal foundational truths about the nature of God and His Word

Safe, faith-building entertainment for children of all ages such as Adventures in Odyssey, Clubhouse and Clubhouse Jr. magazines, and Brio magazine

Kids of Integrity

Free downloadable Kids of Integrity lessons to help parents build godly character in their kids

Detailed, up-to-date reviews of current movies, TV shows, music, books and video games at

How your donation helps


copies of The Truth Project used to lead small groups in Canada


days of broadcasts dedicated to the issues of faith and engaging the culture last year


people watched the documentary Irreplaceable in 77 movie theatres


Biblically based resources are offered in our online store


Candians attended 76 movie theatres to see The Drop Box film


Canadians visited for entertainment advice in the last year


teen girls receive Brio magazine in Canada

Testimony of a life changed

“Thank you for allowing [people] such as myself the opportunity to develop a stronger understanding of family through the Word. You guide me through the Bible and help me understand God’s message in a way I could not do on my own. I appreciate the work that [you are] doing for me and for others like me.” – A Canadian radio listener