When children get excited about a sleepover, ask them the following questions:

"Do I know the parents?"

It’s not unusual for children to get a sleepover invitation from the friend of a friend. Meet the family and invite the child over to your house prior to the sleepover.

"Will a parent be there?"

Some parents may leave the teenage brother and his friends in charge of the tween-girl sleepover. Find out who will be present. Walk your child to the door, and if a parent is not there, don’t hesitate to take your child home.

"How many children are invited?"

Consider safety if your child is invited to a sleepover with 30 tweens and only one parent. The adult/child ratio needs to be reasonable.

"Are activities planned?"

Overnight is a long time for tweens to be together without structure. Scheduled events help prevent mischief.

"Do you know that I will be available?"

Make sure your child knows she can call you for rescue any time during the night if she is ready to come home.

From Focus on Your Child’s Tween Ages, February 2008. Published by Focus on the Family. © 2008 Focus on the Family. All rights reserved. International copyright secured. Used by permission.

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