The expression “love is love” has become a popular expression in our culture, and it’s not hard to see why. On the surface, it sounds like a positive, all-embracing truism. In reality, however, it’s being used in a far more focused – and loaded – manner. The idea is that any sexual relationship marked by affection and respect – between consenting adults of whatever gender or number – is a legitimate form of love and hence beyond reproach.

This functions as a rhetorical trap, meant to silence criticism of LGBTQ lifestyle choices. After all, who wants to argue against the power of love? To address such a verbal snare, it’s essential to define categories and clear up any logical fallacies. That may not sound romantic, but it’s vital to a meaningful discussion about love in our cultural moment.

Love is universal

It can be rightly argued that the most basic human need is to love and be loved. To be sure, there are more immediate physiological needs such as food and shelter. But the long-term absence of loving relationships – especially during childhood but also throughout life – is invariably harmful to the whole person: body, mind, heart and soul.

As image bearers of a relational triune God, human beings are wired for intimacy with him and with one another. We have an intrinsic need to care for others, to show them affection, to do them good, and to receive those things in return. In short, we need to belong. We need the joy and comfort of intimate relationships, not just to love and be loved, but to know and be known.

In this sense, love is indeed love, a universal that requires no justification. All of us need it, and all of us need to express it.

Love is concentric

However, it should also go without saying that all love is not the same. Jesus taught that before all else, we’re to love God with our whole being, and after that, our neighbour as ourselves. He then illustrated what it means to love our neighbour – even one who’s a stranger and a potential enemy – via the parable of the Good Samaritan.

Yet nowhere did our Lord suggest that all relationships involve a one-size-fits-all level of intimacy. From among his followers, he chose twelve to be his closest companions, and from within those twelve, he chose Peter, James and John to be his inner circle during his three-year ministry. He also enjoyed a special, tender friendship with Martha, Mary and Lazarus. Years later, the apostle Paul instructed the churches in Galatia to do good to everyone, but especially to their fellow Christians.

Clearly there are different kinds of love, each with its appropriate forms of expression. We don’t love the people next door the same way we love our spouse and kids, nor are we expected to. It may be helpful to think of love as a series of concentric rings, with God at the centre, followed by our most intimate relations, our family and friends, our fellow believers, and then our more casual acquaintances, as well as strangers with whom we interact.

From this perspective, love is certainly not love. It’s far too multifaceted for that description. And at the risk of belabouring the obvious, most forms of love do not entail sexual intimacy. In fact, inappropriate sexual behaviour is not love at all, but selfishness. It neither seeks the approval of God nor the good of another, but rather the gratification of its own desires.

Love is divine

Love is an essential attribute of God. In fact, the Scriptures state that God is love. In order to express his own nature, he wove love into the fabric of his creation. Consequently, he’s the one who gets to define what love is and how it’s to be expressed.

According to his Son, “No one has greater love than this: to lay down his life for his friends.” He added, “If anyone loves me, he will keep my word. My Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our home with him. The one who doesn’t love me will not keep my words. The word that you hear is not mine but is from the Father who sent me.”
(John 14:23-24; 15:13)

As designed and exemplified by God, all love is to be marked by affection and kindness and a fixed desire to seek the best for others. But within that unity, God has also created a diversity of expression: romantic love, parental love, brotherly love, friendship.

When it comes to sexual intimacy, God has reserved that for the permanent bond of marriage between one man and one woman. From the beginning, sexuality was inextricably linked to the unique relationship of husband and wife as God’s joint image bearers, called to be fruitful and to multiply. More than that, it was designed to be a picture of the intimate union between Christ and his Church.

The Scriptures merely hint at the depth and beauty of intimacy that all believers will enjoy with God and with each other in the New Heaven and the New Earth. Meanwhile in this present world, love takes many forms, none of them perfect, all of them distorted by sin to one degree or another.

In light of all that, love can only be love when pursued in the ways and in the relationships intended by its divine author.

Subby Szterszky is the managing editor of Focus on Faith and Culture, an e-newsletter produced by Focus on the Family Canada.

© 2014 Focus on the Family (Canada) Association. All rights reserved.

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