As believers, we know exactly what we want for our kids: we want to see them growing in their love for the Lord, and growing in Christlike character. What’s harder, however, is figuring out exactly how we can encourage that growth.

Laurel Kirchner faced that same dilemma when her two boys were still just three and four years old. “When I look back on that time, I felt more like a full-time referee than a mom,” Laurel recalls. “Our boys were constantly pushing the limits.”

Laurel and her husband, Jody, were covering the basics with Bible stories, Sunday school and mealtime and bedtime prayers, but it wasn’t enough; Biblical values weren’t gaining traction in their boys’ lives.

Determined to see change, Laurel teamed up with friend Angela Cyr and began developing a set of character-building activities that cranked up the fun factor while focusing on traits like patience, attentiveness and obedience.

“I wanted learning about God and Biblical values to be like dessert,” says Laurel. “I wanted the boys to ask, ‘Can we have some more?’ ”

The result was Kids of Integrity, a set of kid-captivating lessons that were enthusiastically embraced by Laurel’s kids, and by families in their home church in Alberta.

“After our first week of lessons, which were on harmony, the boys were making it through a whole day without fighting,” says Laurel. “Another ‘aha!’ moment was when I noticed the boys sharing without being asked or forced to share. I knew God was changing the boys’ hearts through the Kids of Integrity lessons.”

Would you like to try Kids of Integrity with your kids? The lessons are free, and available for download from the Focus on the Family Canada website Kids of

Within each lesson you’ll find ideas for Bible-based discussions, crafts, games and object lessons from science, nature and even home cooking – all designed for kids ages 3 to 10.

Before you rush off to check out the lessons though, keep this in mind: Don't be overwhelmed by the breadth of the content. You don’t need to do all the activity suggestions. Think of it as a buffet of ideas you can pick and choose from.

Whether you do a little or a lot, what matters is that you are intentionally encouraging your kids to be their best for Jesus. The Lord will bless you in that. Have fun!

Pick a lesson that interests you:


or choose from many more at

© 2018 Focus on the Family (Canada) Association. All rights reserved.

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