How to nurture faith in school-aged children
Written by Michelle CoxThemes covered
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"Dear God, this is the darkest valley I’ve ever walked through," seven-year-old Carter prayed.
His mom choked back a laugh.
Carter is home-schooled, and due to unavoidable circumstances, he was several days behind on his work. He complained about it until his mom finally asked, "Carter, have you prayed about it?"
While his dramatic prayer was comical, his stress was real, and his prayer was sincere. As he opened his textbooks to begin his studies, Carter didn’t realize his mom had already taught him the most important lesson of the day – God cares when he is stressed or hurting.
When parents have modelled the same response to difficult situations, children are easily encouraged to follow their example.
Practice faith together
Five-year-old Sophie and her siblings have spent the last few years working with their mom and dad as missionaries to the Costa Rican people. They’ve helped their parents distribute food to needy families, performed puppet shows for orphanages and nursing homes, participated in church services and shared the Gospel.
Sophie’s sister, Savannah, giggles when she tells how she once found Sophie witnessing to and praying with a cat. While Sophie’s "audience" might have been a little unusual, her parents’ daily example had already influenced her life.
Children learn spiritual concepts, especially after having opportunities to participate in them with their parents.
Implement prayer
When six-year-old Jason began his summer vacation after a long school year, he and his brothers were especially rowdy. With Mom’s patience pushed to the breaking point, she gathered her sons in the den and talked to them about their behaviour.
"Boys, why don’t we pray for God to help us have a nice summer?"
The two older boys prayed sweet prayers, and then it was time for Jason to pray. "Dear Jesus, help me be good. Help us have a nice summer, and help Mama to get whacked with a water balloon. Amen."
Over the next few months, Jason learned that God answers prayer. The boys’ behaviour improved, they enjoyed their summer – and their mom got whacked with a water balloon.
Though sometimes comical, kids’ prayers are important to God. He uses them to teach children about Himself.
Michelle Cox is the author of Simple Little Words and has been a guest on Focus on the Family’s Weekend Magazine radio program.
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