A checklist for parents on teaching tweens about money
Written by Jennifer BusseyThemes covered
- Have you shown your tweens how to choose one item or activity they want and set a financial goal? (When they mention something else they want, remind them to meet their first goal before tackling another.)
- Have you introduced your tweens to brands and shown them how to compare prices in stores and online to get the best deal? (Remind them about taxes, shipping and handling when necessary.)
- Have you helped your tweens open their own savings account? (Most banks have accounts for children that allow for low balances and no fees.)
- Do you let your tweens give their tithes directly to the church? (The activity is an important hands-on experience.)
- Have your kids seen you make or discuss a family budget?
- Do you let your tweens see you make financial choices based on a budget?
- Do your kids know what you are saving toward each month (college, retirement, emergency fund, family vacation, etc.)?
- Do you let your children see you tell yourself "no" or "I can wait"?
- Have you talked to your tweens about the difference between debit and credit cards?
- Do you converse about your past financial mistakes and their consequences?
- Have you talked with your tweens about interest and how it can work for or against your finances?
- Do you and your spouse openly discuss what the Bible teaches about money and stewardship?
Related reading:
From Focus on Your Child’s Tween Ages, October 2008. Published by Focus on the Family. © 2008 Focus on the Family. All rights reserved. International copyright secured. Used by permission.
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